Plan to go to rural hospitals of Belize that serve more underserved areas to teach POCUS exams to physicians working in hospitals with limited imaging resources. Will also take 2 handheld ultrasounds to help establish QA system
The doctors that work in hospitals in more rural areas with less imaging resources will receive more education to help with patient mgmt and diagnosis. Also with bringing hand held ultrasounds will help with quality improvement to help with remote QA/education
This is part of an ongoing project to do POCUS education at different locations. This new location to start teaching based off of evaluation and survey done by ministry of health in Belize
Dr. Lynea Bull and myself went down to Belize and spent time both in Punta Gorda as well as Belize City training physicians down there on point of care ultrasound exams. This is part of an ongoing project taking physicians through a planned out curriculum that includes 5 modules, which after completion, physicians will have essentially covered the majority of high yield Ultrasound exams and applications. The training session includes didactics in the AM and hands on scanning with real patients in the afternoon. This course has been taken to several hospitals through out Belize, but this time we expanded to the southern cities of Belize. With this project the physicians are also encouraged to submit exams for Q&A. This trip we were able to take a hand held US (Vscan Air) to the hospital in Punta Gorda and left it there for physicians to use.