Nicklaus Brandehoff, MD
Nicklaus Brandehoff, MD
Emergency Medicine · Littleton, CO

Clinic Building in Guinea

June 28th
Kindia, Guinea

Project Description

Our project will be to continue to build out a new clinic in Kindia Guinea. This clinic will serve as the only snakebite clinic in the country of Guinea. It is stationed in Kindia, a central region for the area. Our current older clinic severs approximately 700 snakebite patients per year. Our new clinic will have a much larger capacity and we expect over 1000 patients per year with in the next few years. There is also a new pharmacy to serve an area where access to medications is very limited.

Population Served

The people of Guinea experience approximately 20,000 snakebites per year, with a 30% mortality. Our current clinic has reduced mortality to <2% with basic supportive care and quality antivenom.

Expected Impact

With a new building, new medical supplies, and a much larger capacity to treat patients, we will be able to treat many more patients at a higher level of care. We will also hosts educational conference for both in country and international physicians to train them about snakebites so that they can take their knowledge back to their home countries and develop a network of African physicians to share and train eachother.

Trip Photos & Recap

A team of 5 team members were in Kindia, Guinea to open a new clinic that will serve both the local and country wide community. Our main goal is to treat snakebites, but we will also be treating several other tropical diseases including malaria, yellow fever, and sleeping sickness.