Matthew Deere, DO
Matthew Deere, DO
General Surgery · Elkhart, IN

Surgical Mission to Ghana

November 24th

Project Description

Plan for surgical mission to Winneba Ghana. Will complete thyroidectomy, hysterectomy and herniorraphy for patients of southern Ghana. Provide surgical care to significant number of pts where none is readily available.

Population Served

Southern Ghanan residents. Any suffering with goiter and menorrhagia are affected not only by the medical problems but often socially due to their disease as well and surgical correction is life altering for them. The people of southern Ghana are kind affectionate and extremely greatful.

Expected Impact

We expect to complete between 40 and 50 procedures during the trip. Seeing pts so grateful fuels me in my daily life. The immense geatitude they have for something so simple and a part of my daily routine is life changing. I’m also always inspired by the resourcefulness and happiness that can be found when one has so little.

Trip Photos & Recap

We were able to complete 43 procedures including lipoma removal, hernia repair, thyroidectomy and hysterectomy for the people of Ghana. While all of our procedures were completed in Winneba Ghana of Sankor region patients traveled from as far as 8 to 10 hours away for surgery. All patients were satisfied afterwords. These procedures are life changing for many patients including patients with anemia requiring transfusion secondary to fibroid disease as well as hyperthyroidism with thyroid eye disease and multinodular goiter. Both staff and patients left full of hope for the future.