Kwame Agyeman, MD
Kwame Agyeman, MD
Internal Medicine · Loma Linda, CA

USTA Ghana Medical Missions 2023

October 1st
Kumasi, Ghana

Project Description

The Medical Missions comprise of Surgical (Plastics, Cataracts and General) Camps, Dental Missions, Eye and Diabetes and Hypertension screening. There is huge deficit of access to care to patients in the areas that we do our medical missions. The beneficials travel from the length and breath of Ghana to seek care at our various surgical camps because of lack of medical insurance and affordability of those services.

Population Served

The patients are from deprived communities across Ghana that have limited access to the services will plan to offer. Planning health fair for 2300 inmates at Kumasi Central Prisons in addition.

Expected Impact

Our team has been going to Ghana since 2019, over 4000 free cataract and 1000 General Surgery cases respectively have been completed. So far, almost 30000 people have been screened for dental, eye, diabetes and hypertension. Planning to complete over 1000 free cataract surgeries, over 200 general and plastic surgery cases from Oct 2nd - Oct 14th, 2023. Planning to screen over 10000 people for eye, diabetes and hypertension in addition.

Trip Photos & Recap

USTA Ghana Missions has been growing year after year. The focus has been for people with limited access to health care. Within the period of the missions, over 550 General and Plastic Surgery cases were done. Over 5000 people were screened for reflective errors and those that required readers were provided. About 500 cataract surgeries were also performed for free. In totality, over 10000 lives were impacted. The highlight for this year's mission trip was a visit to the Kumasi Central Prisons. Over 750 people were screened for various eye conditions. In addition, over 240 people underwent dental screening, where about 120 of them received the needed dental procedures including filling, scaling and polishing and extractions. The visit to the prison exposed the serious health needs of those behind bars. The perception of volunteers about the prisons were changed for more of compassion and the need for more help for such people after the end of the visit. USTA Ghana Mission 2024, is planning to spend more days at the prisons and also be given free surgical slots to those prisoners that might need it. It is my hope that the Dox Foundation will be there next year to help us achieve that. On behalf of USTA, thank you for your support.