Carson Walker, MD
Carson Walker, MD
Resident Physician · Denver, CO

General Surgery Mission to Zambia

September 6th
Livingstone, Zambia

Project Description

I am hoping to join a biannual volunteer surgical mission to rural Zambia. This trip is organized by a general surgeon, Dr. Peggy Schrieber, who has a long-standing relationship with the Zambian community. Dr. Schrieber has been providing surgical care to this underserved population for over 25 years. Twice a year, a group of general surgeons, ob/gyn doctors, anesthesiologists, and nurses join Dr. Schrieber in providing care to the community. It is a remarkable opportunity for a general surgery resident. The work begins with clinic. We then perform as many operations as safely possible. Common pathologies encountered are goiters, hernias, biliary colic, etc. It makes a tremendous difference to this remote community that would not otherwise have access to surgical care.

Population Served

Together with a local Zambian hospital, this mission serves a rural Zambian community. The villages surrounding this hospital await Dr. Schrieber’s arrival twice a year. While there have been improvements in accessing medical care, the community’s access to surgical care remains limited due to its rural location, a lack of resources, and a lack of surgeons. As a result, there is a large patient population with advanced surgical pathologies. If it were not for Dr. Schrieber and her team, these patients would not have access to surgical care.

Expected Impact

This is an incredible opportunity for the Zambian community and myself. The most tangible impact of the trip will be the improved quality of life for the patients we operate on. However, the benefits do not stop there. Decades of consistent collaboration with this specific Zambian community has allowed us to develop trust and respect in the region. This collaboration has resulted in invaluable medical/surgical training for local providers and improved hospital infrastructure. Both of which help ensure that the impact of this trip is not limited to the two weeks we are physically in country. I would be honored to be able to strengthen this relationship. This trip will also have an enormous personal impact as I near the start of my career as a general surgeon. I will be working in an austere environment relative to the modern American operating rooms I have become accustomed to. I will learn to adapt and do more with less. This experience will also allow me to treat advanced pathologies, which I have less exposure to in the American healthcare setting. I will apply what I learn to my practice, which will help me provide the safest and most cost-effective care for my patients. I also hope to continue working with Dr. Schrieber and the Zambian community throughout my career.

Trip Photos & Recap

We saw over 300 patients and performed 63 operations. We performed a wide variety of surgery including thyroidectomies, hysterectomies, inguinal hernia repairs, hydrocelectomies, soft tissue mass excisions, anal fistulalotomies, and even an emergency exploratory laparotomy. Our patients traveled from all across Zambia to be seen by our team. The mission was an incredible experience for me, our team, and our patients. It also helped to solidify and advance the already strong relationship between our team and the Mwandi Mission Hospital