Maramawit Wubeshet, MD
Maramawit Wubeshet, MD
Pediatrics · Oakland, CA

Maternal Newborn Quality Improvement Project

November 2nd
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Project Description

planned trip is through the Wax and Gold Nonprofit Humanitarian Organization that is committed to improve women and newborns health. During the proposed trip, I will be involved in training team of nurses at St. Paul's Hospital ( Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) the Newborn Advance Life Support ( NALS). The goal of the training is to improve delivery room resuscitation of newborn for better overall health outcome. Similar trips have been done by Dr. Pollack and Dr. Tadesse through this organization and their trip was funded by Dox Foundation.

Population Served

The training program is designed to benefit newborns that will require resuscitation after delivery to improve their health outcome.

Expected Impact

We aim to improve nursing staff skills in regards to delivery room resuscitation of newborn through NALS training program.

Trip Photos & Recap

Maternal Newborn Quality Improvement Project
Dox Foundation Sponsored
Trip Summary

I took a trip with Wax&Gold non-profit foundation to St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on November 2nd 2018. The trips aim was to provide education to help improve skills of newborn advanced life support (NALS) nurses in the delivery room. We were able to achieve this though direct teaching in the delivery room during an actual resuscitation on a newborn and debriefing afterwards to help identify areas and ways to improve, through simulation teaching using manikin and going over scenarios, and by providing updated guidelines like the most current NRP guidelines.