Susan Manson, MD
Susan Manson, MD
Internal Medicine · Thomasville, GA

Educating IM Residents in Guyana

February 14th
Georgetown, Guyana

Project Description

I plan on spending two weeks in British Guyanna doing bedside rounds and providing didactic lectures for the residents at Queens Hospital. I am hoping to help improve their educational experience along with their clinical skills.

Population Served

Guyanese people should benefit from improving the quality of medical care they receive from their doctors.
I chose this population as they have a need for additional educators and they speak English (as I am not proficient in any other foreign language). I like the fact that I am not just showing up with a handful of blood pressure meds or antibiotics that will have only a temporary impact on the health of these patients. Rather, I am hoping to make a lasting change by improving the quality of their healthcare now and in the future.

Expected Impact

Improved care of the Guyanese people that these IM residents serve.

Trip Photos & Recap

I was able to provide didactic lectures to 3rd,4th year medical students along with General Medical Officers and Internal Medicine residents. Bed side teaching rounds were also conducted. Some nurses also attended bed side rounds.