Jeffrey Rutgard, MD
Jeffrey Rutgard, MD
Ophthalmology · Mililani, HI


April 5th
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Project Description

The plan is to invest 10 days to see patients and treat as needed. We typically have 100+ cataract surgeries that are performed and over 350 exams to diagnose and treat eye conditions for the community and those living in the surrounding region. Giving the gift of sight has enormous benefit to not only the blind patient, but the family of these people and the entire neighborhood and community. Sight enables them to go to school, work, allow caregivers freedom to do the same and be a part of the functioning family and community.

Population Served

In the Villages surrounding Los Llanos, there are mostly poor farm workers that cannot afford eye care. We have been serving this region for 12 years now, and hundreds come to be seen each visit we make. We try to travel here two times per year to help give sight.

Expected Impact

The impact from this mission will be over 350 examinations and 100 surgeries to remove cataracts and give sight to those blind poor in need.

Trip Photos & Recap

Hundreds of field workers and residents of the surrounding area reached out for our help. The population is very poor and may people have not had an eye exam for years. We were able to do over 300 cataract surgeries and hundreds more examinations and fitting for glasses.