Jared Block, MD
Jared Block, MD
Pathology · Charlotte, NC

Hematopathology physician training in Tanzania

June 14th
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Project Description

I will be training Hematologists, fellows, pathologists and students on how to diagnose lymphoma, leukemia, and other blood disorders. I will also be teaching the prognostic data that can help guide treatment decisions. I will also be participating in discussion of current patients' disease states.

Population Served

The local and more rural communities in Tanzania. The resources in that region are not the same as what is available to physicians here; however, I plan on teaching them how to use the ones that they do have access to in order to determine the correct treatment for their patients. The training will be aimed at physicians that serve the region in the treatment of both malignant and benign blood and bone marrow disorders.

Expected Impact

I expect the level of care to be improved by guiding whether or not patient's need more or less aggressive therapy. Also, some of these diseases have implications for the patient's family members as well.

The training should allow physicians to adjust their practice patterns in the future and hopefully bring the ability to treat people and enable them to survive longer or be cured of their disease.

Trip Photos & Recap

These are the hematologists that I worked with in Dar Es Salaam.

When hematologists diagnose patients with blood disorders, they need to get a sample of their bone marrow. This an essential part of deciding what Is causing the problem.

Although they are able to perform the biopsies, they have few people who have expertise in interpreting them to help with their training. My visit allowed them to interact with one more.

During my two weeks there, we saw their patients together. After they biopsied the marrow, I taught the doctors how to interpret it.

With their improved abilities, they were able to more accurately diagnose their patients’ illnesses, thus allowing them to choose the correct chemotherapy.

I have been practicing hematopathology for twenty years. I can honestly say that this was one of the most rewarding things I have done professionally during this time.

Although I am back home, I am still teaching them using WhatsApp. I regularly send pictures and impromptu videos of interesting cases that come across my desk.

They are extremely bright doctors, and it was an honor to be part of their education.