Orwa Nasser, MD
Orwa Nasser, MD
Ophthalmology · Iowa City, IA

Fight blindness in Kano, Nigeria

July 7th
Kano, Nigeria

Project Description

This project comes to fight and prevent blindness in Kano, Nigeria. The ophthalmologist in charge for this mission trip is Dr. Orwa Nasser MD MPH, who is fellowship trained in cornea, cataract and anterior segment, and fellowship trained in pediatric ophthalmology. Dr. Nasser will visit Kano ECWA Eye Hospital in Kano, Nigeria, and during his stay will perform corneal transplant surgeries, adult and pediatric cataract surgeries, strabismus surgeries and pediatric glaucoma surgeries. Moreover, Dr. Nasser will teach and train local doctors in performing corneal, cataract and strabismus surgeries. Dr. Nasser will serve alongside the Nigerian eye specialists' staff to diagnose and provide medical and surgical treatment of eye disorders and diseases. Additionally, Dr. Nasser will supervise, teach, disciple and mentor staff, visiting residents and students. he ultimate goal of this project is to help locals to regain vision, increase awareness about blindness causing problems, and to teach local doctors to treat and prevent blindness.
The length of the trip will be 8-10 days. The project will take place between the dates 07/07/2019-07/18/2019.

Population Served

The population that will be served is local people of Kano and surrounding villages in Nigeria. This population is known to have a high prevalence of preventable blindness diseases which can be treated surgically or medically. Moreover, There is a local eye hospital that offers services to this population. Dr. Nasser will be serving in this eye hospital to help with his expertise in treating preventable blindness, training local doctors and establish a blindness prevention program with local doctors.

Expected Impact

The expected impact of this project is to re-establish vision in 100-125 blind people at this oart of the world. Also, train local people doctors and establish blindness prevention program.

Trip Photos & Recap

The medical mission to to prevent blindness in Kano in Nigeria was very fruitful and busy. I was thrilled by how much blindness is prevalent at this part of the world. During this mission, I could help blind patients, adults and kids, to regain vision. The people who were treated are poor and needy blind people who can’t afford surgical treatment. I have performed more than 120 surgeries for free to cure blindness in this poor population.
I have performed a lot of cataract surgeries for adults and kids, corneal transplants for adults and kids and have performed a lot of glaucoma surgeries for kids. I have brought new insights on performing phaco and SICS (small incision cataract surgery) cataract surgeries. The medical director and the residents there were very excited by my presence. they did see for the first time corneal transplant surgeries and new techniques for adult and pediatric cataract and pediatric glaucoma. I was able to actively teach residents about the different techniques and teach them different approaches for different pathologies. I did meet with them also on my last day there and advised them on how to read and advance toward their career.

Doximity has made my medical mission easy in regard of costs. Doximity has funded my airfare costs.

Myself, the local hospital in Nigeria and the patients themselves thank Doximity for this generous donation. I hope for more cooperation in the future with Doximity to help with these humanitarian missions.
Thank you
Dr. Orwa Nasser.