Veronica Rooks, MD
Veronica Rooks, MD
Radiology · Tripler Army Medical Center, HI

Teaching pediatric radiology in Dar Es Salaam

October 11th
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Project Description

We plan to join the Yale University team and begin teaching a pediatric fellowship program to the residents in Dar Es Salaam teaching hospital in Tanzania. We have a curriculum that is being developed to bring the next level of teaching pediatric radiology to the current radiology residents and also to a select few residents and or current staff who are interested in pediatric radiology fellowship program. The end goal is to have a fellowship trained pediatric radiologist in country to be able to continue to teach the next generation of radiology residents.

Population Served

The children of Tanzania will benefit by improving the knowledge base of the current radiologists. We will be teaching the current radiology residents and also the staff who are willing to partake in the fellowship level curriculum with the overall goal to have a pediatric radiologist recognized by the Ministry of Health and the University. By teaching an in country radiologist to become pediatric radiology fellowship trained, they will then be able to teach the next generation. The current population has no formal pediatric radiology curriculum and fellowship level teaching.

Expected Impact

The expected impact is to improve pediatric health care in county and by increasing the knowledge level for the current radiology residents in the realm of pediatric radiology, as well as gain interest in the fellowship program and being the curriculum with a current radiology attending. The overall impact will be to increase the knowledge base of the current radiology residents and also begin the pediatric radiology curriculum so an in country radiologist will be fellowship trained. We have a rotating schedule with additional pediatric radiologists coming in the next 18 - 24 months to continue with the program.

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