Matthew Alfano, MD
Matthew Alfano, MD
Radiology · Lebanon, NH

Tanzania Global Health Radiology

October 20th
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Project Description

I plan to return to Muhimbili National Hospital in Dar es Salaam Tanzania, with Dr. Timothy Rooney (Dartmouth-Hithcock Medical Center), Dr. Frank Minja (Yale University Hospital), and others to continue the sustainable global health in radiology program that I worked with one year ago. Through our time in Tanzania, we will share the knowledge and techniques in all available imaging modalities, custom tailored to answer the critical questions for the patient's needs at MNH. Additionally, we will bring instruction and resources to the current and future residents at MNH and the Mloganzila campus of the Muhimbili Teaching Hospital so that they can further the care of their patients and continue a teaching and mentoring tradition for years to come.

Our specific focus of this trip will be breast imaging both in the clinic and in the hospital with minimally invasive procedures to elevate diagnostic yield and further the care of patients in need of diagnosis and treatment of both benign and malignant breast disease.

Population Served

The patients and families of Tanzania whom seek care through MNH hospitals and the Tanzanian national health service

Expected Impact

By establishing effective imaging protocols we will help with the efficient use of resources to serve the patients with imaging guided care and decision making.

Through didactic and hands on education through lectures and workshops we will help teach the current and future residents at the MNH university hospitals vital skills for interpreting diagnostic imaging and how to perform minimally invasive procedures in the care of their patients.

Trip Photos & Recap

Working with the residents and staff at Muhimbili National Hospital in partnership with Yale and Dartmouth has been one of the great honors of my career. Sharing a common interest in patient care through radiology in different parts of the world and different medical systems has helped lead to better collaborations for patient and clinician education on both sides of the world. Throughout the trip, we were able to bring sub-specialty expertise and training in new skills to the radiology residents at MNH. By sharing education and hands on skills training, we can ensure the enrichment of the careers of the current residents as well as establish a ground work for this knowledge to be passed down to future generations of learners as the come to residency at MNH.