Dorey Glenn, MD
Dorey Glenn, MD
Pediatric Nephrology

Bhutan Pediatric Nephrology

April 1st
Thimphu, Bhutan

Project Description

This project seeks to expand an evolving relationship between myself and the Department of Pediatrics at the Jigme Dorje Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (JDWNRH) in Thimphu, Bhutan. There are no pediatric nephrologists in Bhutan, and pediatric residents are not exposed to teaching on many topics in nephrology. There are subsequently few opportunities for nephrology specific clinical and research mentorship. The proposed project will build upon an initial four week exploratory trip undertaken in December, 2016. This trip identified high-priority areas for intensified training; including supporting the initial phases of a renal biopsy program and providing training for nurses and pediatricians regarding acute pediatric peritoneal dialysis. During this initial trip, an intensive nephrology-related educational curriculum geared to pediatric residents and dialysis nurses was delivered. The next phase of this project will be to continue the educational and mentorship activities within the department of pediatrics at JDWNRH. This project, planned for April 2018, will continue to have a strong educational component with 10-12 planned formal didactic sessions and bedside grand-rounds.

Trip Photos & Recap

Many people were impacted during four weeks I spent in Bhutan. Aside from the many inpatient and outpatient, the general practitioners, pediatric residents, consultants, and dialysis nurses were all involved in the didactic lectures. I was also able to liaison with the Bhutan kidney foundation during my trip, and get invoked in some of their programming.