As a pediatric radiologist, I will be joining a team of other pediatric radiologists mainly from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) to present lectures at an all-day weekend CME event at Tikur Anbessa/Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I will also be arriving the week prior to help at the Black Lion Hospital. My responsibilities will include giving lectures, providing consultation at the reading stations, and helping teach hands-on pediatric skills in ultrasound. This educational outreach trip will be in January 2019.
By providing pediatric specific teaching to the radiologists and radiology residents at Black Lion Hospital, we hope to further our colleagues’ radiology knowledge in order to provide better care for the children of Ethiopia. There is limited subspecialty radiology training in Ethiopia. We hope to supplement and share pediatric radiology knowledge with our Ethiopian colleagues through lecture-based and hands-on teaching sessions and educational materials, and likewise learn from this exchange of healthcare experiences in a different country.
Black Lion Hospital is one of the largest teaching hospitals in Ethiopia and serves a large population of patients. Hopefully this targeted teaching in radiology can provide make a long-lasting impact toward improved efficacy of radiology imaging in Ethiopia. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s team of physicians has been partnering with Ethiopian radiologists to provide radiology specific resources on a long-term basis. I hope to be a part of this mission to foster long-lasting friendships, collaboration and education between Ethiopian and international physicians.
I was able to visit two hospitals and taught and gave lectures at both places to radiology residents and fellows. I also gave several lectures at a national CME course for Ethiopian radiologists and radiology personnel. I am deeply grateful for Doximity's travel grant.