Laura Fry, MD
Laura Fry, MD
Family Medicine · Manchester, NH

Rwanda Cervical Cancer Prevention team

May 7th
Kigali, Rwanda

Project Description

A team of clinicians from the US will be travelling to Kigali, Rwanda as a follow up to support the OB-Gyne residents as well as the nurses in two of the hospitals to identify and treat pre-cancerous cervical lesions and develop the skills and programs to make this a sustainable effort for the women of Rwanda

Population Served

Of course the main benefit will be previously unscreened women of Rwanda. By furthering and supporting young physicians and nurses in their country, they will be more confident in their knowledge and skills. Cervical cancer in sub-Saharan Africa is the second cancer killer of woman, thus a reduction of the disease will hopefully benefit the health of the women in the country

Expected Impact

As above. This is a follow up trip so contact has been made. We should be able to have interface with all the OB-Gyne residents in Kigali. There are already developed monthly ECHO calls with the country which help support their doctors

Trip Photos & Recap

The purpose of this trip was to continue our efforts to screen women for cervical cancer, thus detecting early pre-cancers and reducing the numbers in the country. Our main efforts were to teach residents in OB-Gyne these skills, which we did through didactics and patient care. However on this trip we realized that there is so much more to be done through reaching out to women's clinics and their providers, through networking with women's groups in the government, and identifying champions for this project. We are planning a return trip this fall, and are loving every minute of it. Thank you so much for helping make this possible!