Neil Sullivan, MD
Neil Sullivan, MD
Family Medicine · Santa Barbara, CA

CHPAA medical Mission

January 25th
Banteay Meanchey Provincial Hall, Sisophon, Cambodia

Project Description

Every year, the Cambodian Health Professional Association of America sets up a Medical Mission to rural provinces in Cambodia. This January, I will be volunteering for my 11th mission trip - this time to Banteay Meanchey Province. This area is very poor and the population is severely lacking in supportive healthcare.

Population Served

Typically, I will personally see nearly 500 patients at a mission - providing diagnoses, treatment, education and advice to patients that are in dire need of modern healthcare. The adults often are working long hours in hot conditions and have a host of maladies that we can provide help for. The children have not received any routine well care examinations in the past. In these populations we commonly see untreated Hypertension, Diabetes, Cataracts, chronic rashes, Iron Deficiency and other conditions that need medical attention and treatment.

Expected Impact

We provide full dental services, surgery, ophthalmology, nutrition counseling, mental health consultation - as well as Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Gynecology and Family Medicine care.
I have found the communities to be overly receptive and appreciative to our devotion and humane understanding of their healthcare needs.
Volunteering for these missions has certainly changed my life in so many ways

Trip Photos & Recap

As this was my 11th Medical Mission to Cambodia, I continue to be so appreciative of the outstanding care provided by my Organization Cambodian Health Professional Association of America to the needy people of Cambodia. Most of those we serve rarely (if ever) receive any health care, guidance or education. These are the most appreciative patients I have encountered in over 45 years of medical practice.